Braised chuck roast with red wine and mushrooms. The butcher box boneless chuck
Braised chuck roast with red wine and mushrooms. The butcher box boneless chuck roast exhibits outstanding marbling yet it's much cleaner than its grain-fed counterparts.
Chuck Roast exhibits outstanding marbling, yet is much leaner than its grain-fed counterpart. Cut from the beef shoulder just above the short rib, it becomes increasingly tender when braised or roasted, and makes an excellent choice for one-pot recipes. Get the most out of your chuck by using a rich and flavorful broth as your cooking liquid, and use the leftovers for a terrific open-faced sandwich! Get 2 FREE Filet Mignons,
Bacon & $10 off your first box at ButcherBox
Bacon & $10 off your first box at ButcherBox
Braising method.
2) Add oil, once oil is hot sear chuck roast on all sides for 2 to 3 minutes per side until a brown crust forms remove and set aside.
3) Glaze The Dutch oven with the braising liquid in my case a nice Cabernet Sauvignon one cup of that wine should do.
4) Place the roast back into the Dutch oven add any remaining ingredients cover the roast halfway with the brazing list liquids.
5) Bring to a slow simmer and cover with lid.
6) Finish the roast on the stove top at the same low simmer or in a 300 degrees Fahrenheit oven cook for 4 and 1/2 hours or until is fork tender
7) Rest in juices for at least 30 minutes if you don't have a Dutch oven use a deep heavy pot make sure it's oven safe if you transfer to the oven.
Tips from the chef.
1) The deeper The Seer that taste your the roast expect your kitchen to get all Smokey on this one
2) The chef's realtor cooking with wine is it if you wouldn't drink it don't cook with it a decent Cabernet or Merlot will give this braising liquid the deep dish flavors you're after.
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